Volkswagen Jetta: Reset Stereo System

You will find your Volkswagen Jetta is outfitted with an anti-theft system that you can reset when it has problems. The radio may also have issues if you attempt to remove it from the vehicle. One sign that will alert you to seek your anti-theft radio code is the SAFE indicator on your radio display.

You can find the anti-theft radio code of your car on your radio card, which usually comes with the vehicle’s owner manual. If you don’t have this code, you will have to remove the radio to access the serial number, which you can give to the dealer so they can retrieve the code.

Note: You must complete the code reset with an authorized dealer.

Here are the steps you can take to reset your stereo system:

2022 – 2016 Models

  1. Locate the Mode key and the power button or the “on/off.”
  2. Press and hold the Mode key and power button simultaneously for about 5 seconds.
  3. The stereo system will turn off and then turn on.
  4. Your stereo system is reset at this point, and you can navigate through the radio functionalities.

2015 – 2009 Models

  1. Check for the word SAFE on your radio display.
  2. Press and hold the Safe and Mode button simultaneously and wait until the number “1000” appears on the display.
  3. Use the navigation keys to enter your four-digit code.
  4. Use button #1 to enter the first number of your code.
  5. Use #2, #3, and #4 to enter your code’s second, third, and fourth numbers.
  6. Upon entering the correct code, the stereo system will display the radio frequencies and complete the reset process.

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