Toyota Sienna: Release/Open Fuel Door

Releasing the fuel door of a Toyota Sienna can seem complicated at first, but after trying it a few times, you’ll see that the process is straightforward. This guide covers the basic steps to releasing the fuel door of various Toyota Sienna models.

2010 – 2022 Models

  1. Locate the fuel door release lever on the dashboard above the emergency brake.
  2. Pull the lever upwards. The fuel door will pop open.
  3. Open the fuel cap inside by turning the cap handle counterclockwise.
  4. When done fueling, replace the cap and turn its handle clockwise.
  5. Close the outer fuel door.

2004 – 2009 Models

  1. Locate the fuel release lever on the car’s floor close to the edge of the driver’s seat.
  2. Pull the lever upwards. The fuel door will pop open.
  3. Open the fuel cap inside by turning the cap handle counterclockwise.
  4. After fueling, close the fuel cap by turning the handle clockwise.
  5. Close the outer fuel door.


How can I open the fuel door in an emergency?

If you have the Toyota Sienna 2021 or 2022 models, you can use the method below to open the fuel door in an emergency:

  1. On the left-hand side of the trunk, locate the emergency tire puncture repair kit and remove the cover.
  2. Pull the lever on the door to release the fuel door.

How can I differentiate the fuel door release from the trunk release lever?

The fuel door release lever has a gas tank logo, while the trunk release lever has an open trunk logo.

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