The trunk is one of the essential parts of a car as it’s the main storage area. If you’re struggling with opening the trunk of your Toyota Corolla, you’re not alone. Here’s a step-by-step guide on opening the trunk of various Toyota Corolla models.
2007 – 2022 Models
- Double-click the trunk release button on your key fob.
- Raise the trunk door to open.
- Locate the trunk release lever on the driver’s side floor next to the fuel door release.
- Lift the trunk and release the lever upwards.
- The trunk door will pop open.
- Lift the trunk door to open.
How can I open the trunk of my Toyota Corolla without the key fob?
You’ll need to purchase a lock pick, also known as a slim jim, to access the trunk of your Toyota Corolla without the key fob. You’ll find a slim jim in any auto repair store near you. After purchasing a slim jim, follow the steps below:
- Slide the pick down between the window trim and the driver’s window.
- Move the pick down around to feel the rod.
- After finding the rod, use the pick to lift and open the car door.
- After opening the car door, pull the trunk release lever on the driver’s seat floor to open the trunk.
How can I tell the difference between a trunk release lever and the fuel release lever on my Toyota Corolla?
The trunk release lever has a trunk logo, while the fuel release lever is marked with a gas tank logo.
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Toyota Corolla sports 2022
Doesn’t seem to have a boot release at all?