Is Cruise Control Bad for Your Ford Mustang?

Ford Mustang

No worries, cruise control won’t mess up your car! In fact, it’s got some perks: It helps you save some precious fuel by keeping your speed steady and avoiding those crazy bursts of acceleration. That means better fuel economy and fewer stops at the pump. Cruise control keeps you within the limits, so you can … Read more

Do Ford Focus Rear Seats Fold Down?

Yes, the rear seats of a Ford Focus can fold down. Overall, the rear seats of a Ford Focus can fold down, but the process will change depending on the year and model of the vehicle. While there may be some variations in the process for folding down the rear seats, it is unlikely that … Read more

Is Cruise Control Bad for Your Toyota Corolla?

Toyota Corolla

Cruise control is not inherently bad for your Toyota Corolla. In fact, many Toyota Corolla models come equipped with advanced cruise control systems, such as Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC), which is designed to make driving safer and more convenient.  However, there are some situations where it is not recommended to use cruise control because … Read more

Do Ford Explorer Rear Seats Fold Down?

Ford Explorer

Yes, the Ford Explorer rear seats fold down. According to the Ford Service Content website, the rear seats in the Ford Explorer can be folded down by pressing and holding button B for one minute until both seats completely fold and unfold. Pressing button A and button C will confirm that each seat is operational … Read more