Nissan Sentra: How to Reset TPMS

The TPMS warning light indicates changes in your vehicle’s tire pressure due to tires deflating over time. Additionally, the warning light may appear after changing or rotating the tires. To resolve the issue, inflate the tires to the recommended PSI indicated in the Tires and Loading Information label at the driver’s door.

After inflating the tires to the recommended pressure, follow the below steps to reset the TPMS on your Nissan Sentra.

1995 – 2023 Models

  1. Stop your car and apply the parking brake.
  2. Put the ignition key in the ON position. However, don’t start the engine.
  3. Confirm the tire pressure of all tires matches the ones recommended in the Tire and Loading Information Label. If there is any deviation, inflate or deflate the tires until you achieve the required pressure.
  4. Start the car and drive at 50 mph for ten minutes.
  5. The TPMS warning light should disappear on its own.

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