Mazda 3: How to Open the Hood

Opening the hood of your car is a straightforward procedure but can be complicated if your Mazda is unfamiliar to you.

2010 – 2022 Models

  1. Locate the hood release lever to the left of the steering wheel. The lever has an image of a car with an open hood printed on the front.
  2. Pull the hood release lever. You will hear a pop and may even see the hood pop up slightly.
  3. Release the safety catch by pulling it to the right.
  4. Lift the hood.
  5. Using the hood prop, insert the end into the hood to stabilize it and hold it open.

2004 – 2009 Models

  1. Locate the hood release lever to the left of the steering wheel. The lever has an image of a car with an open hood printed on the front.
  2. Pull the hood release lever. You will hear a pop and may even see the hood pop up slightly.
  3. Release the safety catch by pulling it to the left.
  4. Lift the hood.
  5. Using the hood prop, insert the end into the hood to stabilize and hold it open.

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