Jeep Wrangler: Release/Open Fuel Door

Different cars have different fuel door opening techniques. If you’re struggling with opening the fuel door of a Jeep Wrangler, then this guide is for you. We detail the steps to open/release the fuel door of different Jeep Wrangler models.

2017 – 2022 Models

  1. Press the fuel door button right below the steering wheel. The fuel button has a gas tank logo printed on the button.
  2. The outer fuel door will open.
  3. To open the inner fuel cap, turn the handle counterclockwise until it opens.
  4. After fueling, return the inner cup inside the fuel cavity and turn it clockwise until you hear a click.
  5. Close the outer fuel cap.

1987 – 2016 Models

  1. Turn the fuel door cap counterclockwise using the handle.
  2. You can check the cap for movement arrows to open and close.
  3. Close the fuel door by fixing the cap on the fuel cavity and turning it clockwise.
  4. Wait to hear a click to ensure you’ve closed the fuel door.

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