How to Reset the Trip Mileage in a Toyota Corolla

Do you drive a Toyota Corolla? You’ll want to learn how to reset the odometer and trip meters. Follow along with these step-by-step instructions to help you easily switch between displays and reset trip meters, empowering you to make the most of these essential features. Let’s learn how to navigate your vehicle’s instrument cluster like a pro.

2000 – 2023 Models

  1. Find the instrument cluster on your Corolla’s dashboard. The odometer and two trip meters are displayed here.
  2. To switch between the odometer and trip meters, look for a stem protruding from the lower right corner of the instrument cluster.
  3. Decide which trip meter (A or B) you want to reset. Once selected, press the stem to display the chosen trip meter on the cluster.
  4. After displaying the desired trip meter, press and hold the display button until you see zeros appear on the display.

The trip meter has now been cleared and will begin tracking the miles driven from your current location.

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