How to Reset the Traction Control Light in a Jeep Wrangler

Is the traction control light in your Jeep Wrangler stressing you out? Don’t let it affect your driving experience any longer. Join us as we teach you how to reset the traction control light in your car, giving you a quick way to resolve this common issue.

1996 – 2005 & 2017 – 2023 Models

  1. You’ll need an OBD-II scanner to communicate with your Jeep’s onboard computer. You can borrow or buy one from an auto parts store if you don’t have one.
  2. Turn off the engine.
  3. Locate the OBD-II port under your steering wheel.
  4. Insert the OBD-II scanner’s connector into the port you located earlier.
  5. Turn the ignition to the “ON” position.
  6. Using the OBD-II scanner’s menu or app, navigate to the “Read Codes” or “Scan for Codes” option. Let the scanner communicate with your Jeep’s computer and retrieve any stored trouble codes.
  7. After the scanner has finished scanning, you should see the trouble codes displayed on the screen. 
  8. Look for the one related to the traction control system. It might have a “C” or “T” in front of the numbers. Once you’ve found it, select “Clear Codes” or “Erase Codes” on the scanner. Confirm that you want to proceed with the reset.
  9. After clearing the codes, the scanner should display a message confirming that the codes have been successfully cleared.
  10. Turn off the ignition and remove the OBD-II scanner from the port.
  11. Give your Jeep a few minutes to reset its systems.
  12. Start your Jeep’s engine as you normally would. The traction control light should no longer be lit if the reset is successful.

2006 – 2016 Models

  1. Start the engine.
  2. Locate the “Traction Control” button on your dashboard labeled “Traction Control” or “TCS.”
  3. Press and hold the “Traction Control” button for about 10-15 seconds. You might notice some lights flashing on the dashboard. Don’t worry; that’s totally normal.
  4. After you’ve held the button for the specified time, let go. The traction control system should now be reset, and the light should disappear from your dashboard.
  5. Drive around and see if the traction control light stays off. If it does, you’ve successfully reset it.
  6. In some cases, the light might come back on after a while. If that happens, your traction control system might have an underlying issue. It’s best to have a professional mechanic look at it to diagnose and fix potential problems.

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