How to Reset the Traction Control Light in a BMW 3 Series

No need to visit a mechanic for a simple traction control light reset. With our step-by-step tutorial, you can perform the reset yourself. That way, you can stop stressing out and get back to driving your BMW 3 Series. 

1990 – 2023 Models

  1. Ensure your car’s engine is turned off and the key is out of the ignition.
  2. Locate the OBD Port beneath the dashboard on the driver’s side.
  3. You’ll need an OBD-II scanner or code reader to reset the traction control light. You can borrow or buy one at an auto parts store or online.
  4. Take your OBD-II scanner and plug it into the OBD port.
  5. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it to the “ON” position.
  6. On your OBD-II scanner, there should be a button or menu option to read the codes. Select that option, and the scanner will communicate with your BMW’s computer to retrieve any trouble codes.
  7. Once the codes are displayed on the scanner’s screen, select an option to “Clear Codes” or “Erase Codes.”
  8. Give it a few seconds for the scanner to do its thing and reset the codes. It should display a message indicating that the reset was successful.
  9. Turn off the ignition and remove the key from the ignition switch.

Why is My Traction Control Light On?

There are several reasons why the traction control light may be on in a BMW Series 3:

  • Faulty wheel speed sensor: If one of the sensors is damaged or malfunctioning, the system may not be able to detect wheel slip, causing the traction control light to turn on. 
  • Low brake fluid level: If the brake fluid is too low, the pressure in the braking system may be affected, triggering the traction control light.
  • Worn brake pads
  • Warped rotors
  • Malfunctioning ABS module
  • Faulty wiring

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