How to Fold Down the Rear Seats in a Toyota Camry

Welcome to our helpful guide on getting those rear seats to fold down! In this article, we’ll show you how to easily fold down the back seats in a Toyota Camry, creating extra room for all your cargo needs. In the Camry, the seats don’t fold down entirely. Depending on the model, often only one side will fold forward so you can fit larger items in the trunk. 

1992 – 1996 & 2018 – 2023 Models

  1. Locate and pull the release lever on the sides of the rear seat, near the bottom to release the seat back lock.
  2. Push the seat back forward until it lays flat.

2002 – 2006 & 2012 – 2017 Models

  1. Locate and pull the release strap or lever on the sides of the rear seat to disengage the seat back lock.
  2. Push the seat back forward until it lays flat.

1987 – 1991 & 2007 – 2011 Models

  1. Locate and pull the release lever or strap at the top corner of the rear seat to unlock the seat back.
  2. Push the seat back forward.

1997 – 2001 Models

  1. Locate and pull the release lever at the top of the rear seat, near the headrest, to unlock the seatback.
  2. Push the seat back forward.

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