How to Fold Down the Rear Seats in a Ford Fusion

Embrace the convenience of folding down the rear seats in your Ford Fusion and optimize your car’s functionality for any occasion. Both seats can fold, which means you can fit much more luggage. 

2013 – 2020 Models

  1. Remove any items from the rear seats and trunk.
  2. Locate the seat release handles inside the trunk near the top edge of the rear seat backs.
  3. Pull the release handles; there is one for each rear seat side.
  4. The seats will fold down.

2006 – 2012 Models

  1. Clear the rear seats and trunk before you fold your seats.
  2. Locate the lever or button on the side of the seat near the headrest.
  3. Pull the lever or push the button. The seatbacks should start folding down.

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