Honda Odyssey: Open Fuel Door

If you can not find the fuel door release lever in the Honda Odyssey, continue below to find the uncomplicated steps to follow. You’ll have your gas door open in no time.

2017-2023 Models without Fuel Tank Lever

  1. Unlock all doors.
  2. Press IN the fuel door and it should spring OPEN.
  3. Press IN the fuel door to CLOSE it.
    Honda Odyssey Push Fuel Door

1995-2016 Models with Fuel Tank Lever


  • Pull the Fuel Door Release LEVER located on the lower LEFT side of the panel (It will have a picture of a gas pump on it).

The fuel door should OPEN!

Troubleshooting Your Fuel Tank Door

If you are unable to open the fuel tank door on your Honda Odyssey, check that the:

  1. Car is unlocked
  2. Sliding doors are closed
  3. You are pressing firmly on the area of the fuel tank door as indicated by an arrow before you release.

If You Still Cannot Open the Tank (2017-2018 Models)

You can still open the tank by way of the rear electrical box.

  • Access the box through the tailgate of the car.
  • Remove the cover on the left side.
  • Pull the yellow cord until the gas tank opens.
    • Note: refer to the owner’s manual if unsure of the location of the cord.

*NOTE: If you are unable to open the Fuel Door on the first try, REPEAT the steps. If you are still unsuccessful, contact the dealership for assistance or consult your vehicle user’s manual. 

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