Wondering how to open the fuel door on the Ford Edge? You’re not the only one. If you’re wondering, you should know that there is no way to open the fuel door from inside the cab. There is no lever or button. Here’s how it’s done.
2015 – 2023 Models
- Locate and press the fuel door release button on the driver’s side door panel near the bottom of the door.
- Go to the outside of the car and locate the fuel door on the rear left side of the vehicle.
- Push on the outer edge of the fuel door to open it.
2007 – 2014 Models
- Locate and pull the fuel door release lever on the driver’s side floorboard near the seat.
- Go to the outside of the car and locate the fuel door on the rear left side of the vehicle.
- Push on the outer edge of the fuel door to open it.
Note: Some models will not require pushing and will allow you to simply fling the gas door open.
Is there any way to lock the gas cap?
No. For 2011 to 2014 modes, you can purchase a locking gas cap if you are concerned with gas theft or tampering.
Why is there no gas cap?
Some newer models have an “Easy Fuel” system where there is no cap to remove. Simply insert the spigot and begin fueling.
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Diesel empty and cannot open fuel door please advise