Chevy Spark: Connect a Phone

Chevy lets you stay wirelessly connected while you’re driving. But how do you set it up? We’ll walk you through a quick guide to connect your phone to any model year of a Chevy Spark.

2020-2022 Models

  1. Check that there’s no currently paired device on your car’s infotainment system.
  2. Make sure the system supports the Simple Secure Pairing ( SSP) feature.
  3. Press telephone.
  4. Press Yes.
  5. Tap Search Bluetooth Device.
  6. Go to Search Screen List.
  7. Press the desired pairing device.
  8. Go to Bluetooth Device pop-up screen and access the infotainment system.
  9. Press Yes on the Screen.
  10. When you pair the infotainment system and the Bluetooth device, the screen will be displayed.

2014-2019 Models

Check whether your paired phone is on the infotainment system. Also, check that it supports the SSP.

  1. Press Settings.
  2. Tap connection settings.
  3. Go to Bluetooth settings.
  4. Tap pair device.
  5. Tap Search Bluetooth Device.
  6. Go to the searched list screen.
  7. Select the device to pair.
  8. Go to the infotainment system and Bluetooth device pop-up screen.
  9. Press Yes.
  10. The pairing will now be complete.

How can I delete a phone from my Chevy Spark?

Here’s the procedure:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Click Bluetooth.
  3. Delete your phone from the list.
  4. Reconnect the phone.
  5. Start your vehicle.
  6. Go to the vehicle’s touch screen to see a list of paired devices.
  7. Choose the phone name.
  8. Select Delete.
  9. Check whether the phone name has disappeared from the list of paired devices.

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