Sunroofs are probably the one basic mechanical item on a vehicle that commonly has problems. Sometimes they won’t close all the way. The sunroof on the Toyota Corolla and Toyota Camry are no different. If you are experiencing problems where the sun roof is stuck, won’t open, or won’t close all the way, try resetting the sunroof with these steps.
How to Reset Average Miles Per Gallon on the Toyota Corolla
Since the Toyota Corolla is so fuel efficient, it’s always nice to see the average fuel consumption you are getting per gallon. The average miles per gallon (MPG) is displayed on the instrument panel. I like to reset the measurement every time I refuel. You can reset it using these steps.
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Toyota Corolla Motor Oil Recommendations
Here is a list of Toyota Corolla vehicles and the type of motor oil recommended for them.
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How to Add Bluetooth to Any Car
If you have an older vehicle, the stereo system may not support Bluetooth. You could upgrade your stereo, but there might be a way you can add Bluetooth to your car without spending money on a new stereo system.
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Replace Mazda Key Remote Battery
If your key fob isn’t working, it might be time to replace the batteries. But getting inside the remote flip key for certain Mazda models to replace the battery can be tricky. Here’s how it’s done.