Audi Q5: How to Reset Stereo System

Resetting your Audi Q5 stereo system is an easy process that can be done in a few steps. Depending on the year and model of your Audi Q5, the steps may vary slightly.

2018 – 2023 Models

  1. Locate the stereo system reset button on the face of the stereo system.
  2. Press and hold the reset button for several seconds.
  3. Release the reset button and wait for the audio system to reset.
  4. Re-enter your audio settings. (Use the audio system controls to adjust the bass, treble, balance, and fader levels to match your preferences.)
  5. Turn the system off and then back on to complete the reset process.

2009 – 2017 Models

  1. Turn the car off.
  2. Hold the Power button while waiting for the stereo display to turn off for around 10 seconds.
  3. Press the Media button and keep it down until the service display appears.
  4. Using the OK button select Options Menu.
  5. Using the OK button, select Factory Settings.
  6. Enter the four-digit code 0000.
  7. Press the OK button.
  8. Select Reset or Factory Reset using the arrow buttons.
  9. Press the OK button.
  10. When the reset is finished, select the OK button to leave the menu.

Additional Audio Q5 Maintenance Info

Warning Signs Your Stereo Needs to be Fixed

Warning signs that may indicate that your Audi Q5 stereo system needs to be fixed include:

  1. No sound from the speakers.
  2. Poor sound quality or distortion.
  3. Inability to adjust settings.
  4. Intermittent sound or static.
  5. Unresponsive buttons or controls.

What Causes Stereo Issues?

Many different causes can lead to audio system issues in the Audi Q5. These can include damage to the wiring, blown fuses, a malfunctioning amplifier, or a defective head unit. In some cases, the audio system may need to be reset to restore its original settings.

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